Graphic Design - Logo Design - Printed Stationary - Promotional products

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Mar 13, 2006

Choosing a business name.

Here are some helpful tips for generating a name for you company.

1. Choose words that are use widely in your industry (for graphic design I can use XX Studio or XX Designs or XX Promotions.

2. Choose words that are oxymorons. For example Blue Rose or Cool Fire. Here's a link that may help you.

3. Choose words that descibe what you're company is about. you're selling socks that are used in the snow then use something like Footsy. The name is is describing feet and describes something that you do when you are cozy under the bed, playing footsy with you're your partner.

Be creative and have fun with you're name it doesn't have to be serious. A small advise, stay awy from names that may push away business for example:

1. Don't use you're last name as a business name. No one who you are. This only works when naming a product after you not a business.

2. Stay away from words that offend people. like WhiteFolks Media.

3. Stay away from initials as names. I used GD because i do not advertise as much but people ask me what the GD stands for. I simply said Graphic Design Solutions and they go ooohhhhh duh!

4. Stay away from numbers if possible.

5. Stay away from words that resemble other large companies. This will not help you get more business. Infact i think it will decrease because the fact that it doest make you unique and people may feel cheated that you're trying to sneek in between them and some one huge. Don't name it BestBuys when you know that BestBuy is one of the larges competitors out there. Be UNIQUE, it sells!

Is some cases you can not get away from these no no's because either some else is using you're name or you really are thinking big and want to cause controversy. In that case go for it!

Any questions regarding this Business Name or any you require graphic assistance with you new business or would like to re-design you current businss and pump up business and indentity then contact me at or visit my webstie


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