Graphic Design - Logo Design - Printed Stationary - Promotional products

Graphic design firm blog about logo design, printed staionary, promotional products and other small business marketing tips, ideas and offers.

Aug 18, 2006

Custom Graphic Imprinted Wearables and Hats


Here's some great apparel items that you may be interested. Remember that the list price is only for blank garments. Price will vary on imprint methods : Embroidery Screenprinting Applique and airbrush.

View our promotional wearables here.

Open Helpful Suggestions

GD Solutions is here to help you achieve your ultimate marketing goals in which ever way possible. Please send us an email with any positive or negative feedback so we can better serve you.

Remember, there is always a solution to a problem, it all depends on how much time and money you have. Keep motivated and make that business grow.!

Great Marketing Ideas & Tips

- Subscribe to an Internet usenet newsgroup or a list-serve that serves your target market. - Join a list-serve (email list) related to your profession.
- Identify a new market.
- Ask former clients why they left you.
- Ask clients why they hired you and solicit suggestions for improvement.
- Read market research studies about your profession, industry, product, target market groups, etc.
- Collect competitors’ ads and literature; study them for information about strategy, product features and benefits, etc.

• Never let a day pass without engaging in at least one marketing activity. • Determine a percentage of gross income to spend annually on marketing. • Set specific marketing goals every year; review and adjust quarterly. • Maintain a tickler file of ideas for later use. • Carry business cards with you (all day, every day). • Create a personal nametag or pin with your company name and logo on it and wear it at high visibility meetings

Read more :

Aug 16, 2006

Small Business Help

Need marketing help and specific information to make your business successful? Join the start up nation today and take advantage of great FREE information that can answer many of your questions.

START UP NATION. Jeff and Rich mentor you through radio, web, live events and through StartupNation: Open for Business (Doubleday, 2005), their new book for aspiring entrepreneurs. The Sloan brothers have always had a fascination with entrepreneurship and are known for their acumen in transforming ideas into vibrant businesses – making dreams into reality. To share their passion for entrepreneurship and their in-the-trenches wisdom with a worldwide audience, the Sloan brothers created StartupNation in 2002.